Beer Film Society was founded in September 2006.  With a great deal of help from the British Federation of Film Societies and donations from Beer Parish Council, Devon County Council, Mike Green and several others, the Society was able to obtain basic projection and audio equipment.  Our aim is to bring a combination of popular as well as less-mainstream films to the village.  Over the years the Society has used any surplus funds from the screening of films to improve the quality of its equipment.

Our screenings are held in Mariners' Hall in Beer, which has a high-definition video projection system as well as improved acoustics, and which together mean that our audiences get a first-class viewing experience.  A licensed bar is provided.

When we looked at our schedule for February, Thursday the 13th jumped out as an ideal date for a movie night.  What better than an Eve-of-Valentine’s Day film to get into the romantic mood?!  No prizes for answering that, but we have come up with a wonderful and romantic Persian film ‘My Favourite Cake’ (2024, 97mins, sub-titles, 12) that should set the tone for any further celebrations.

And, even if you’re not a romantic, My Favourite Cake has earned some terrific reviews and was a winner at the prestigious Berlin International Film Festival last year.

In this gentle comedy/drama, widower Mahin (70) lives alone in Tehran since her husband’s death and her daughter’s departure for Europe, until an afternoon tea with friends leads her to break her solitary routine and revitalize her love life.  But as Mahin opens herself up to new romance, what begins as an unexpected encounter quickly evolves into an unpredictable, unforgettable evening.

So please come and join us – and maybe treat someone special to a Baboo ice cream as well!

 What the critics said:

“Plans have a way of going awry in this lovely, intimate, tragicomic take of late-blooming love in the shadow of Iran’s repressive regime. In its gentle way, this is a subversive piece of film-making.”

Wendy Ide. Observer. 4*

“A lovely and bittersweet comedy of moments seized in the autumn of life.”

Danny Leigh. Financial Times. 5*

"As well as everything else, this wonderfully sweet and funny film will contribute to the debate about whether repressive regimes are the nursery of artistic greatness.”

Peter Bradshaw. The Guardian. 5*

“A moving tale of nascent romance between two kindly septuagenarians has been enough, apparently, to send the Iranian government into a tailspin.”

Kevin Maher. The Times. 4*

A reminder that the Mariners’ Hall doors will open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start and the bar will be open, along with Baboo ice creams available downstairs.  Any members wishing to reserve a seat should email us at: before Monday 10 February.

Our 2025 season continues with:

20th March The Critic, starring British acting legend Sir Ian McKellan

17th April Conclave, a film starring Ralph Fiennes which has been a huge hit with the critics and public alike.

For your diaries the remaining dates for 2025 will be as follows (films to be confirmed later):

15th May; 19th June; 17th July; Saturday 9th August (Regatta week); 18th September; 30th October (Eve of Halloween Special); 13th November; 4th December (which will be a free screening for BFS members).

Don’t forget our new start time.  7PM

Don’t be late! 

Membership of Beer Film Society costs £15 for a full 12 months, and members pay a £5 entrance fee at each screening that they attend.  The entrance fee for non-members is £7.  Priority is given to reservations by members, but non-members may also reserve tickets.  To book tickets or to find out more about Beer Film Society, just email


Last edited: Monday 27 January 2025